• Centricity™ Perinatal
  • Centricity Perinatal Web Module
  • 2002033-068-35EN Revision 1

External Authentication Configuration

Overview of External Authentication

External Authentication can be enabled to centralize the management of user identities from an independent service provider on the hospital network. When configured, this provides additional security controls such as centralized password management and recovery, account lock-out, and time-of-day restrictions when the user logs in.

Centricity Perinatal Web supports two primary methods for authenticating a user’s credentials with an external authority: (1) SAML 2.0 token exchange with the site’s Identity Provider, and (2) LDAP to Windows® Active Directory.

For best workflow GE Healthcare recommends utilizing the SAML 2.0 token exchange as this can leverage the site’s existing single sign-on capability. The typical use of the Centricity Perinatal Web client will be from a mobile device outside the hospital network and will often require multi-factor authentication prior to launching Centricity Perinatal Web. By using the integrated SAML authentication the user would not be required to enter a username and password a second time when launching Centricity Perinatal Web.

How to Set Up External Authentication Through SAML 2.0


  • Users must have a Centricity Perinatal user ID that matches the external Identity Provider

  • Your site must have an Identity Provider that can provide a SAML 2.0 token to the Centricity Perinatal Web IIS service

  • You must have an IT person from your site who is already familiar with your Identity Provider configuration. This person must be prepared to work with GE service to exchange key configuration information.

  • Once configured, your site’s IT will need to coordinate maintenance efforts to keep the configuration in sync when certificates are renewed or replaced on either the Identity Provider Server or the Centricity Perinatal Web Server


As part of the implementation project, your GE project manager and GE Install Coordinator will identify requirements, resources and timing of the project to configure the interface from Centricity Perinatal Web (Service Provider) to your site’s Identity Provider solution.


  • Your site’s Identity Provider Server needs to be installed and operational by your site’s IT and have a valid SSL certificate. This certificate can be self-signed if that is consistent with your site’s policies.

  • The Centricity Perinatal Web Server, which is playing the role of Service Provider, needs to be installed and operational and have a valid SSL certificate such as one from a certificate authority. Certificate requirements for the Centricity Perinatal Web server are described in the Customer Supplied Equipment Guide.

  • The single sign-on (SSO) test accounts that will be used in testing should be identified. The accounts can be real user accounts such as the system manager account; or be “test” accounts which then could be used by GE service in the setup and initial testing. Please note, if using real user accounts, the individuals for those accounts will be responsible to do the testing. The accounts identified for testing need to be setup in the SSO system as well as in Centricity Perinatal Designer.


This section outlines the high-level steps to perform the configuration of the interface between the Centricity Perinatal Web (CPN) Server and the site’s Identity Provider (IdP) Server.

(Step1) – Plan a meeting: It is recommended that the configuration for the interface be completed in a joint meeting between your site’s IdP configuration expert and the GE service person assigned to the project. For optimum configuration and testing, this meeting should include screen sharing.

(Step2) – Site to configure IdP relying trust: Your IdP configuration expert will configure a new relying trust on your Identity Provider Server. In this configuration, the identifier to the CPN Web server can be “ConnectServices” or can be any naming convention that your site typically uses for service providers.

(Step3) – Site to supply IdP information: Your IdP configuration expert will supply the following information to GE service:

Single sign-on service URL



Single log-out service URL



Identifier for the Identity Provider Server; depending on DNS configuration this may be a URL or Name



Identifier for the CPN Web relying trust which the customer has configured on the Identity Provider Server. The customer IT can use any identifier here in the configuration; as long as GE service configures the matching “string” in the SAML configuration



A copy of the signing certificate from the IdP Server in .cer format, exported as 64-encoded.



Identification of which properties of the SAML configuration need to be true or false

true or false

(Step4) GE service will supply the following to your IdP configuration expert:

SAML Assertion Consumer Endpoint URL

https://ConnectServerAlias/ConnectServices/saml/ Binding – HTTP-POST


SAML Logout Endpoint URL

https://ConnectServerAlias/ConnectServices/saml/ Binding – HTTP-Redirect


A copy of the signing certificate from the CPN Web server in .cer format, exported as 64-encoded.


(Step5) Your IdP configuration expert will import the CPN Web Server certificate and complete the relying trust configuration.

(Step6) GE service will import the Signing IdP Server certificate

(Step 7) GE service will edit the SAML configuration on the CPN Web Server given the guidance and information supplied by your site’s IdP configuration expert. The SAML configuration will appear similar to the following example.

In the above example, the four fields in yellow highlight must match exactly to the IdP Server configuration and are supplied by your site’s IdP configuration expert. In addition, the fields currently shown with “true” need to be set to either “true” or “false” depending on what is enabled/configured on the customer’s IdP server.

(Step 8) Final review of configuration: Both GE service and your site’s IdP configuration expert should review the configuration via shared screen an additional time to confirm it is setup properly confirming no typos, that the identifiers match exactly, and the true/false is set according to the site’s IdP Server configuration.

(Step9) Test with IdP Disabled. GE service should leave the IdP interface disabled and run a test by navigating to the CPN Web URL (https://ConnectServerAlias/CPNWeb) on a browser. A user ID and password for a user that is in the site’s single sign-on as well as in designer should be entered. Confirm this user can log in, select a patient and view a fetal monitoring strip with no errors.

The user account in the set of tests can be from a real user such as the system manager or can be a test account. A test account has its advantages because GE service can run tests with this account. A real user account will require the real user (such as the system manager) to perform the testing.

(Step10) Test with IdP Enabled. GE service should enable the IdP interface. The browser, if currently opened should be re-opened and navigate to the CPN Web URL. Navigate to the CPN Web URL on a browser. At this point, if the interface is working you will be redirected to the site’s single sign-on page and you will not see the CPN Web Log in page. The user will then enter the same user ID and password as done on the previous step. After entering in the credentials, the CPN Web application should display. Confirm the user can select a patient and view a fetal monitoring strip with no errors.

(Step11) Additional testing can be performed using different browsers, devices (such as phones or personal laptops), and the testing can include exercising log in, log out, auto log out, etc to confirm behavior of the interface is working as expected.

(Step12) Maintenance. Your site is responsible for managing certificates on your IdP Server as well as the CPN Web Server. These certificates should be renewed before they expire. Please contact GE service for a planned service event to update the configuration on this interface should you either renew or replace the certificate on your IdP server or the CPN web server.


If the interface is not working, it is possible to turn on debugging in two ways: (1) the browser debugging can be turned on via F12 in combination with network log/traffic enabled (2) the CPN Web server debug logging can be turned on by GE service. Debugging in the browser can identify the URLs that the CPN Web browser is requesting. Debug logging enabled on the CPN Web server allows GE service to see the messages sent/received by the CPN Web Server.
Note: If GE service changes the SAML configuration or enables/disables the interface on the CPN Web server, you should stop and re-launch the browser and navigate again to the CPN Web URL. These configuration changes do not require a IIS restart of the CPN Web server.

How To Set Up External Authentication Through LDAP

Information on how to set up External Authentication through LDAP can be found in the System Configuration Reference Manual for Centricity Perinatal.